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Learning is an Adventure!

Work Hard

Open Notebook

Our approach to learning is highly individualized. We recognize each student acquires knowledge and skills in different ways and at varying rates. Intellectual pursuits are customized to provide a flexible avenue toward mastery.


Have Fun


Our students are active learners. They ask relevant questions, set goals, research topics, document their progress, and reflect upon the learning process.

When students learn through inquiry and explore their curiosities, they become active participants in the learning process and acquire information and concepts in an authentic and meaningful way.

Change the World

Kids with Capes

We want every student to pursue their life's calling with courage, character, and purpose. To do that, kids need the time and space to explore fleeting interests and immerse themselves in meaningful activity. They need time to cultivate new skills, build friendships, roam, and learn how to be responsible for their own lives. Learning to live an authentic and meaningful life is what true education is all about.

A Christian, Nature & Project-Based School for Children in Preschool-8th Grade

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